Millenium Office Park, Unit 21, Plot 115, Kgale Mews, Gaborone,Botswana
Private Bag 305, Gaborone, Botswana
Tel: +267 390 3535
Fax: +267 3181124
Office 204, Liqhaga House Nkoseluhlaza Street, Manzini
P O Box 2642, Manzini, Swaziland
Tel: +268 2505 7844
Fax: +268 2505 602
Room 116, 1st Floor, 269 Independence Ave Building, Windhoek
P O Box 1725, Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: +264 61 227 142
Fax: +088 610 486
2nd Floor Delta Annex, Ring road, Westlands, Nairobi, Kenya
P O Box 46406 -00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254730 651 000
Fax: +254 20 375 1344
For instant credit status information sms your name to 21272
Kabula House, Suite B, Corner Chilembwe/ Hannover Avenue
P.O. Box 2766 Blantyre Malawi
Tel: +265 1834337
Fax: +265 1 834336
Centenary House - 4th Floor, KN4 Avenue 8, Kigali, Rwanda
P.O. Box 5733 Kigali, Rwanda
Tel: +250252577040
Total Swaziland (Pty) Ltd
Physical Address
King Sobhuza, 2nd Avenue
Matsapha Industrial Sites, Matsapha, Swaziland
Postal Address
P O Box 193
Manzini, M200, Swaziland
Tel: 00268 2518 4238 or 2518 5260/1
Fax: 00268 2518 5262
Total Swaziland (Pty) LTD is a Swazi-registered company and has operated as an independent company since January 1978.
Total Swaziland (Pty) Ltd has a storage capacity of 800 000litres, which is comprised of the following products: Unleaded 95, Eco Premium 95 (LRP), Eco Diesel Plus (500ppm) and Eco Diesel Premium Plus (50ppm). We have no host depot. The gantry is automated, two loading bays, one offloading point and a flow rate of ± 1200Litres per minute and one rail siding with three (3) decanting pumps for each product. The rail siding can accommodate four (4) rail tank cars (72000Litres) or six (6) small rail tank cars (36000Litres).
Our transport contractor is Unitrans Swaziland Limited; three vehicles are contracted for local distribution and five vehicles for depot bridging with thirteen drivers. We are on a central routing, ordering and phasing system. We replenish product via rail tank cars and road bridging being our mode of transport.
We supply 13 Retail sites, two general trade outlets and consumer sites. Our supply areas are: Mbabane, Manzini, Matsapha, Lomahasha, Piggs Peak, Nhlangano, Siteki and Mpaka.
Total Swaziland as a role model in good corporate citizenship has a wellness programme for employees. This programme assists employees with HIV/Aids-related issues, stress management, financial management to name a few, through the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP).