Long Business Description

Harmony, a world-class gold mining and exploration company with a copper footprint, operates in South Africa and Papua New Guinea, one of the world’s premier new gold-copper regions.
With more than 70 years in the industry, Harmony is an experienced emerging-market gold miner. Value-accretive acquisitions have revitalised our company as the largest gold producer by volume in South Africa where the company is also a significant operator of gold tailings retreatment facilities. With a significant portion of the group’s Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves in Papua New Guinea, Harmony is also an acknowledged emerging-market specialist. Assets in Papua New Guinea include the Hidden Valley gold mine and our joint-venture stake in the Wafi-Golpu copper-gold project.
Exploration and acquisitions
Exploring for and evaluating economically viable gold-bearing orebodies and/or value-accretive acquisitions
Mining and processing
Establishing, developing and operating mines and related processing infrastructure. Ore mined is milled and processed by our gold plants to produce gold doré bars
Sales and financial management
Generating revenue through the sale of gold produced and optimising efficiencies to maximise financial returns
Stewardship and mine closure
Restoring mining impacted land for alternative economic use post-mining, having in place approved mine closure commitments and empowering communities and employees


In South Africa, our nine underground operations are located within the world-renowned Witwatersrand Basin – one in the Klerksdorp goldfield, three in the West Rand and five in the Free State, in the southern portion of the Witwatersrand Basin. In addition, we have an open-pit mine on the Kraaipan Greenstone Belt as well as several surface treatment operations. At 30 June 2021, our South African operations accounted or 71% of group Mineral Resources (gold and gold equivalent ounces) and 58% of group Mineral Reserves.

In Papua New Guinea, our assets include Hidden Valley, an open-pit gold and silver mine, and a significant gold-copper portfolio that includes a 50% stake in the Wafi-Golpu project, a 50:50 joint venture with Newcrest Mining Limited, in Morobe Province. At 30 June 2021, these assets, which are located on the New Guinea Mobile Belt, accounted for 29% of group Mineral Resources (gold and gold equivalent ounces) and 42% of group Mineral Reserves.

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018 478 8570
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Long Business Description

The Tshepong operations constitute an integrated mining complex in the Free State, near the town of Welkom, some 250km from Johannesburg. The deep-level workings include the Tshepong and Phakisa underground sections. The proximity of these two mines has allowed for the integration of operations, facilitating the use of excess hoisting capacity and underused infrastructure at Tshepong section and debottlenecking Phakisa’s constrained infrastructure. Harmony plans to mine the orebody at the Tshepong Operations for the next 20 years.
Conventional undercut mining methods are used at the mature Tshepong section; Phakisa uses the newer conventional undercut and opencut mining method. From Phakisa the rock is transported to the Nyala shaft, where it is hoisted to surface. The principal gold-bearing orebody exploited by both sections is the Basal Reef, with the B Reef mined as a high-grade secondary reef. Mining takes place between 1 500m to 2 300m below surface. Ore mined is processed at the Harmony One plant, where the gold cyanide leaching process is used to recover the gold.


Three fatalities during the year prompted a focus on fall-of-ground golden controls, installing additional permanent steel netting and finding a solution to secure these nets close to the to eliminate further fall-of-ground injuries. The lost-time injury frequency rate deteriorated by 8% to 5.44 per million hours worked (FY20: 5.05).

Once again Tshepong operations made the largest contribution, at 16%, to group production; in the absence of lockdowns, operational results improved markedly, which reflected in the financial performance. Capex was 20% higher at R1.1 billion, mainly to provide for development work underground and plant optimisation on surface.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
057 907 2000 / 057 907 2113
Business Address
Long Business Description

Doornkop is a mature, deep-level single-shaft operation some 30km west of Johannesburg, on the northern rim of the Witwatersrand Basin. Its remaining life of mine is currently 14 years.
The operation focuses on narrow-reef conventional mining of the South Reef gold-bearing conglomerate reef. Mining reaches depths of 2 219m. Ore is processed at the Doornkop plant, which uses the carbon-in-pulp process.

Sadly, the Doornkop plant recorded one fatality, and the LTIFR deteriorated by 13% to 6.9 per million hours worked.

Operating efficiencies contributed to higher gold production at 3 670kg, reflecting a 25% increase in mill tonnes which helped to offset the marginal drop in grade. This is a ten-year record for Doornkop.

Plant optimisation and ongoing development boosted capex by 51%, thereby directly benefitting production levels.

The 36% increase in revenues reflected the substantially higher production and the 14% improvement in the gold price over the period. Cash operating costs were 29% higher at R2 186 million, attributable mainly to wage increases, higher electricity tariffs and additional labour.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
011 278 6679
Long Business Description

Masimong is a deep-level mine in the Free State, near Welkom, around 260km from Johannesburg. The operation is close to the end of its mine life, with some 18 months of mining remaining. Masimong is an example of the effectiveness of Harmony’s business model.
The Masimong complex comprises two shafts – one for operational use and the other for services such as ventilation, pumping and an escape route. Masimong exploits the Basal and B Reefs, using a conventional tabular narrow-reef stoping method. Mining depths are between of 1 650m to 2 010m. Ore mined is processed at the nearby Harmony One plant.

A good safety performance was achieved, with 2 million fatality free shifts recorded and no loss of life. Gold production was marginally higher at 2 012kg with milled tonnes up 4% at 510 000 tonnes. The underground grade was lower at 3.95g/t (FY20: 4.09g/t). The higher gold price helped to boost revenues, by 17%, to R1 636 million.

Wage increases and higher electricity tariffs drove cash operating costs up by 16% to R1 440 million. Capital expenditure increased by 21% to R29 million (FY20: 24 million), allocated mainly to ongoing development work.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
057 910 5703
Long Business Description

Moab Khotsong is a deep-level mine near the towns of Orkney and Klerksdorp, some 180km south-west of Johannesburg. The mine, which began producing in 2003, was acquired from AngloGold Ashanti Limited in March 2018.
Mining is based on a scattered mining method, together with an integrated backfill support system that incorporates bracket pillars. The geology at Moab Khotsong is structurally complex, with large fault-loss areas between the three mining areas (top mine (Great Noligwa), middle mine and lower mine (growth project and Zaaiplaats project in execution phase)). The mine exploits the Vaal Reef as its primary orebody. The economic reef horizons are mined between 1 791m and 3 052m below surface. Ore mined is processed at the Great Noligwa gold plant. The plant uses the reverse gold leach method, with gold and uranium recoveries achieved by gold cyanide and uranium leaching.

The mine is the group’s second-largest gold operation. It contributes 15% of total production and is the largest contributor to operating free cash flow. Along with higher revenues and costs in the post-lockdown period capex rose by 27%, associated mainly with ongoing development and infrastructure to extract and mine the pillar in Great Noligwa.
The Great Noligwa pillar extraction feasibility study was completed in FY2021. With implementation the second rock transfer system was completed and commissioned. Harmony’s extensive pillar-mining expertise is being used to develop the infrastructure for extracting and mining the pillar.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
018 478 1919 / 018 478 8570 / 018 478 1905
Business Address
Long Business Description

Kalgold is a long-life, open-pit gold mine on the Kraaipan Greenstone Belt, 55km southwest of Mahikeng in North West province. Mining takes place from the A-zone pit, where activities are ramping up at the pillar between the pit and the Watertank pit. Mined ore is processed at the carbon-in-leach Kalgold plant.
Kalgold maintained its fatality-free record in FY21. Gold production decreased 4% to 1109kg (35 655oz) (FY20: 1 153kg, 37 070oz), due to a 2% drop in ore milled to 1.51 million tonnes (FY20: 1.54 million tonnes) and a 1% decrease in recovered grade to 0.74g/t (FY20: 0.75g/t). Despite lower production, the 16% higher average gold price received in FY21 boosted revenue 12% to R955 million (FY20: R855 million). Cash operating costs increased 15% to R776 million (FY20: R674 million) due to increased annual wages and electricity tariffs. Capital expenditure rose over 100% to R208 million (FY20: R99 million), mainly for capitalised stripping costs in FY21.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
018 332 1102 / 018 332 1192
Long Business Description

Mponeng is a deep-level gold mine near the town of Carletonville, some 90km south-west of Johannesburg. The mine started producing in 1986. Harmony acquired the mine from AngloGold Ashanti in October 2020.
The primary orebody mined is the VCR, which is mined mostly by breast-mining methods, extracting both reef and waste. The dilution from the waste is captured and incorporated in the tonnage calculation, with historical performance being the benchmark. The economic reef horizons are mined between 3 160m and 3 740m below surface. On surface the ore is processed at the Mponeng gold plant. The plant uses the conventional gold leach method, with gold recovered through carbon-in-pulp technology.
Mponeng has already added to the quality of Harmony’s asset portfolio and increased margins. Since its acquisition in October 2020, it has established itself as the third-largest contributor to gold production and the second-largest contributor to operating free cash flows. In FY21, Mponeng processed 683 000 tonnes, producing 5 446kg (175 092oz) of gold at 7.97g/t.

Gold revenues totalled R4 750 million. The operation incurred cash operating costs of R2 902 million and capital expenditure of R493 million, mainly due to integration costs and ongoing development for plant optimisation.


Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
018 700 1890 / 018 700 1710 (SOLUTION CENTRE) / 018 700 1749