Exxaro : Grootegeluk mine
Situated 20 km from Lephalale in South Africa’s Limpopo province, this open-pit mine employs 3 200 people and produces 26Mtpa final coal products, using a conventional truck and shovel operation. This mine has an estimated minable coal reserve of 3 261Mt, and a total measured coal resource of 4 719Mt, from which semi-soft coking coal, thermal coal, and metallurgical coal can be produced.
Some 22Mt of annual production is power station coal, transported directly to Eskom’s Matimba and Medupi power stations on a 7 km conveyor belt in terms of the existing supply contract. An additional 1,5Mtpa of metallurgical coal is sold domestically to the metal industry and others on short-term contracts.
Grootegeluk produces 2,5Mtpa of semi-soft coking coal, the bulk of which is railed directly to Mittal SA under a long-term supply agreement. Approximately 1Mtpa of semi-soft coking coal and thermal coal is exported through Richards Bay Coal Terminal or sold domestically.
Resources (inclusive):2532Mt measured; 1422Mt measured
Mining Method:Open-cut
Reserves:1730Mt proved; 898Mt probable