Long Business Description

Incorporated in 1918 and listed on the Johannesburg (JSE) and Namibian (NSX) stock exchanges, Oceana Group is a global fishing company, and an important participant in the South African, Namibian and US fishing industries. We are ranked as one of the top 20 seafood companies in the world by market capitalisation. We employ 4 845 people globally, of whom 3 736 are directly employed and 1 109 are indirectly employed. Oceana is a black-owned company and a level 1 B-BBEE contributor.

“On the surface a fishing company. Deep down, so much more.”

Over the past 5 years, Oceana has consistently been rated as one of the most empowered JSE-listed companies (Empowerdex Most Empowered Companies ranking).

Our core business is the catching, processing, marketing and distribution of canned fish, fishmeal, fish oil, lobster, horse mackerel, squid and hake. The business includes mid-water fishing (horse mackerel), deep-sea trawling (hake), and inshore fishing for pelagic fish (anchovy, Gulf Menhaden, redeye herring and pilchard). In addition, we provide refrigerated warehouse facilities and logistical support services.

“We supply fish and fish products to consumers across the spectrum – in Africa, Asia, Europe, the US, Australia and the Far East.”

The group’s principal market is the lower-end consumer (who prefers canned fish and horse mackerel). Oceana is particularly well renowned for the sale of canned pilchards under the Lucky Star label. Lucky Star is an iconic retail brand in South Africa, and leads the market within the canned fish sectors in which it operates. This includes Botswana, France, Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, the United Kingdom, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

We also sell products to upper-end consumers (who are predominantly buyers of lobster, hake and certain canned fish).

The majority of our sales revenue comes from South Africa and Namibia, followed by markets in Southern and West Africa, the US, Europe, Australia and the Far East. The consolidation of Oceana’s South African, Namibian, Angolan and US fishmeal supply has increased the group’s scale and mobility in the global market. This is supported by increasing global protein requirements and growing demand for fishmeal and fish oil products. Oceana’s fishmeal and fish oil market has a global footprint. The group’s US‑based, Daybrook Fisheries operation is responsible for a significant portion of our fishmeal and fish oil products.

Oceana’s fishing and production‑related activities are conducted primarily through four operating divisions: Lucky Star; Daybrook Fisheries; Blue Continent Products; and Oceana Lobster. A fifth division, CCS Logistics, provides refrigerated warehouse facilities with operations in South Africa, Namibia and Angola. This structure creates value through economies of scale and efficiencies in terms of raw material and product volumes, use of vessels and production resources, market focus, risk management and growth opportunities.

We are committed to and support responsible fishing practices. Oceana is a founder member of the Responsible Fisheries Alliance (RFA), and has partnered with WWF and other members in the RFA to advance an ecosystems approach to fisheries management.

The group has a highly skilled board and an experienced management team who maintain a culture of good governance informed by effective risk management and compliance practices. This is supported by a stable and experienced employee base.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
021 410 1453
Business Address
Postal Code
PO BOX 7206, ROGGEBAAI, 8012

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