Kalgold is a long-life, open-pit gold mine on the Kraaipan Greenstone Belt, 55km southwest of Mahikeng in North West province. Mining takes place from the A-zone pit, where activities are ramping up at the pillar between the pit and the Watertank pit. Mined ore is processed at the carbon-in-leach Kalgold plant.
Kalgold maintained its fatality-free record in FY21. Gold production decreased 4% to 1109kg (35 655oz) (FY20: 1 153kg, 37 070oz), due to a 2% drop in ore milled to 1.51 million tonnes (FY20: 1.54 million tonnes) and a 1% decrease in recovered grade to 0.74g/t (FY20: 0.75g/t). Despite lower production, the 16% higher average gold price received in FY21 boosted revenue 12% to R955 million (FY20: R855 million). Cash operating costs increased 15% to R776 million (FY20: R674 million) due to increased annual wages and electricity tariffs. Capital expenditure rose over 100% to R208 million (FY20: R99 million), mainly for capitalised stripping costs in FY21.
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