Harmony, a world-class gold mining and exploration company with a copper footprint, operates in South Africa and Papua New Guinea, one of the world’s premier new gold-copper regions.
With more than 70 years in the industry, Harmony is an experienced emerging-market gold miner. Value-accretive acquisitions have revitalised our company as the largest gold producer by volume in South Africa where the company is also a significant operator of gold tailings retreatment facilities. With a significant portion of the group’s Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves in Papua New Guinea, Harmony is also an acknowledged emerging-market specialist. Assets in Papua New Guinea include the Hidden Valley gold mine and our joint-venture stake in the Wafi-Golpu copper-gold project.
Exploration and acquisitions
Exploring for and evaluating economically viable gold-bearing orebodies and/or value-accretive acquisitions
Mining and processing
Establishing, developing and operating mines and related processing infrastructure. Ore mined is milled and processed by our gold plants to produce gold doré bars
Sales and financial management
Generating revenue through the sale of gold produced and optimising efficiencies to maximise financial returns
Stewardship and mine closure
Restoring mining impacted land for alternative economic use post-mining, having in place approved mine closure commitments and empowering communities and employees
In South Africa, our nine underground operations are located within the world-renowned Witwatersrand Basin – one in the Klerksdorp goldfield, three in the West Rand and five in the Free State, in the southern portion of the Witwatersrand Basin. In addition, we have an open-pit mine on the Kraaipan Greenstone Belt as well as several surface treatment operations. At 30 June 2021, our South African operations accounted or 71% of group Mineral Resources (gold and gold equivalent ounces) and 58% of group Mineral Reserves.
In Papua New Guinea, our assets include Hidden Valley, an open-pit gold and silver mine, and a significant gold-copper portfolio that includes a 50% stake in the Wafi-Golpu project, a 50:50 joint venture with Newcrest Mining Limited, in Morobe Province. At 30 June 2021, these assets, which are located on the New Guinea Mobile Belt, accounted for 29% of group Mineral Resources (gold and gold equivalent ounces) and 42% of group Mineral Reserves.